Here you are on the signpost of the authors of badges and medals. There are more and less famous names. Medalists from ancient and modern times. Authors whose works do not enjoy such popularity, even the most collected, the most expensive and the rarest.
- Babka, Karel (1880 - 1953)
- Beutler, Miloslav (1897 - 1964)
- Bódi, Ladislav (*1944)
- Brůha, Jaroslav (1889 - 1969)
- Fischer, Karl Johann Gotlob (1802 - 1865)
- Harcuba, Jiří (1928 - 2013)
- Havelka, Luděk (*1941)
- Horejc, Jaroslav (1886 - 1983)
- Hvozdenský, Josef (1932 - 2009)
- Christlbauer, Josef Christian (1827 - 1897)
- Knobloch, Milan (*1921)
- Kolářský, Zdeněk (*1931)
- Kožuch, Milan (*1944)
- Kříž, Václav (1841 - 1887)
- Kužel, Miroslav (1907 - 1985)
- Lerch, Josef von Lerchenau (1793 - 1859)
- Myslbek, Josef Václav (1848 - 1922)
- Odehnal, Antonín (1878 - 1957)
- Otáhal, Karel (1907 - 1972)
- Pawlik, Franz Xaver (1865 - 1906)
- Pichl, Ivan Bojislav (1850 - 1923)
- Poldaufová, Mária (*1951)
- Radnitzky, Karl (1818 - 1901)
- Seidan, Wenzel Johann (1817 - 1870)
- Petr Soušek (*1972)
- Šantrůček, Václav (1866 - 1931)
- Šejnost, Josef (1878 - 1941)
- Šlosar, Hilar (1908 - 1983)
- Šmakal, Václav Karel (1863 - 1941)
- Španiel, Otakar (1881 - 1955)
- Vitanovský, Michal (*1946)
- Zeman, Karel (*1949)
- Other medallists and engravers
378 items total